US Online Pharmacies and Its Competition with Canadian Ones

US Online Pharmacies and Its Competition with Canadian OnesAt the moment, quite a lot of developed countries have allowed online drug trade. The specifics of business models directly depend on the specifics of the legislation in each individual country. In the United States, for example, online sales of prescription drugs is completely legal, and even Amazon entered this market, agreeing in the middle of last year to purchase the PillPack service (it delivers prescription drugs to your home). Trusted Tablets online is also delivering medications worldwide irrespective of your living space.

Already now, drugstore chains in many European countries are testing the home delivery service. How much, in principle, this service can be in demand where the number of pharmacies per capita is exceeded three times. But there is no doubt that it is convenient, familiar and can be useful for end users.

The popularity of online pharmacies

Online stores have long become an integral part of consumer life, and the emergence of online pharmacies in the legislative field with the usual ordering cycle is just another step towards simplifying the life of customers.

For some, delivery will be a convenient way, for others – too expensive. The market will put everything in its place.

We study research data published by major analytical agencies and regularly conduct the surveys.

About 70% of the respondents were not at all aware that the delivery of drugs from pharmacies to their homes is illegal. And they willingly use the services of Internet resources that carry out such delivery. For this category of the population, nothing will change with the law adoption. The rest will use the service as needed.

Will any laws affect your service?

Now, indeed, many people are discussing this point, trying to guess or predict whether the market for the sale of drugs will grow or shrink. It is irreseanable to predict the future, especially in cases where the final wording of all the requirements of the bill is not fully known.

Changing the legislation should solve several main problems. First of all, this is an increase in the availability of drug provision, which will help people with limited mobility and those who live in hard-to-reach places. It would also be fair to put all participants in the pharmacy market on an equal foundations. Today, companies in the “gray” zone, unfortunately, do not see any obstacles to their activities and feel great.

Will legalization of online trade not affect the level of counterfeits?

It is believed that a certain responsibility should be imposed by the user himself, being aware of what services he interacts with. You need to choose companies and services with an unblemished reputation – given the possibilities of the Internet, this is not so difficult.

Canadian online pharmacies – a threat to US pharmacists?

An increasing number of US residents are discovering the benefits of purchasing medicines overseas. On average, the savings on drug purchases in Canada for Americans range from $ 100 to $ 1,000 per year – in the United States, all prescription drugs are usually 20-24% more expensive than the prices of pharmacies in Canada.

This state of affairs has persisted for quite a long time, but it was only with the increasing popularity of online pharmacies that the US pharmaceutical industry began to experience serious concern.

Over 2 million Americans preferred to buy foreign medicines last year. The most popular drugs among them are drugs like sedatives and drugs for heartburn – in a word, all those that are taken on a regular basis and for a fairly long period.

At the same time, the created situation is shamelessly used by fraudsters, who open innumerable numbers of “Internet pharmacies” offering goods of dubious quality for even lower prices.